Assessor and Property Tax Records Search in Kentucky
Public Assessor and Property Tax Records in Kentucky.Property owner name, Property address, Property tax amount, Property tax year, Property tax status, Property tax payment history, Property tax exemptions, Property tax assessment history, and Property tax assessment value can be accessed publicly.
Adair County8 RecordsAllen County7 RecordsAnderson County12 RecordsBallard County6 RecordsBarren County5 RecordsBath County5 RecordsBell County5 RecordsBoone County14 RecordsBourbon County11 RecordsBoyd County11 RecordsBoyle County13 RecordsBracken County10 RecordsBreathitt County4 RecordsBreckinridge County9 RecordsBullitt County12 RecordsButler County8 RecordsCaldwell County8 RecordsCalloway County13 RecordsCampbell County13 RecordsCarlisle County6 RecordsCarroll County7 RecordsCarter County9 RecordsCasey County3 RecordsChristian County10 RecordsClark County11 RecordsClay County2 RecordsClinton County4 RecordsCrittenden County5 RecordsCumberland County5 RecordsDaviess County12 RecordsEdmonson County8 RecordsElliott County7 RecordsEstill County5 RecordsFayette County16 RecordsFleming County5 RecordsFloyd County5 RecordsFranklin County15 RecordsFulton County8 RecordsGallatin County4 RecordsGarrard County8 RecordsGrant County10 RecordsGraves County7 RecordsGrayson County5 RecordsGreen County8 RecordsGreenup County6 RecordsHancock County10 RecordsHardin County18 RecordsHarlan County7 RecordsHarrison County8 RecordsHart County7 RecordsHenderson County11 RecordsHenry County7 RecordsHickman County9 RecordsHopkins County13 RecordsJackson County6 RecordsJefferson County24 RecordsJessamine County15 RecordsJohnson County6 RecordsKenton County21 RecordsKnott County4 RecordsKnox County7 RecordsLarue County12 RecordsLaurel County6 RecordsLawrence County10 RecordsLee County3 RecordsLeslie County10 RecordsLetcher County5 RecordsLewis County9 RecordsLincoln County7 RecordsLivingston County6 RecordsLogan County6 RecordsLyon County6 RecordsMadison County12 RecordsMagoffin County9 RecordsMarion County10 RecordsMarshall County7 RecordsMartin County5 RecordsMason County11 RecordsMcCracken County12 RecordsMcCreary County6 RecordsMcLean County7 RecordsMeade County6 RecordsMenifee County6 RecordsMercer County11 RecordsMetcalfe County10 RecordsMonroe County7 RecordsMontgomery County11 RecordsMorgan County6 RecordsMuhlenberg County7 RecordsNelson County13 RecordsNicholas County7 RecordsOhio County8 RecordsOldham County12 RecordsOwen County10 RecordsOwsley County6 RecordsPendleton County14 RecordsPerry County8 RecordsPike County8 RecordsPowell County8 RecordsPulaski County10 RecordsRobertson County6 RecordsRockcastle County9 RecordsRowan County6 RecordsRussell County7 RecordsScott County11 RecordsShelby County10 RecordsSimpson County12 RecordsSpencer County10 RecordsTaylor County9 RecordsTodd County10 RecordsTrigg County7 RecordsTrimble County6 RecordsUnion County14 RecordsWarren County16 RecordsWashington County12 RecordsWayne County9 RecordsWebster County12 RecordsWhitley County10 RecordsWolfe County3 RecordsWoodford County14 Records