Business Licenses Search in New York County,New York

Public Business Licenses in New York County,New York.Business Name, Business Address, Business Phone Number, Business Type, License Number, License Status, Expiration Date, and Business Owner Name can be accessed publicly.

Buildings Information System

Permits and Inspections
Search New York City building records, including recorded complaints and violations, actions, applications, and inspections.

City of New York Business Express

Business Licenses, Permits and Inspections
View information about starting a business in New York City, including obtaining general license, permit, tax, incentive, and other useful information.

Restaurant Inspections

GIS and Mapping, Permits and Inspections
Search New York City's latest restaurant inspections by name or zip code.

Skilled Trades Licensees, General Contractors and Registrant Search

Contractor Licenses, Permits and Inspections
Search the Department of Buildings records, including property profile information, application processing, accounting, inspections, complaint and violation tracking, safety reports, equipment tracking, trade licensing, and contractor tracking.

Water Quality Reports

GIS and Mapping, Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental Health
View New York City annual water quality reports

Zoning and Land Use Map

GIS and Mapping, Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental Health
Search interactive New York City map for zoning, land use, and environmental designation data.

Bar Association Lawyer Referral

Bar Associations
View information about New York City Bar Association's referral services by practice.

Business License Search

Business Licenses
Search New York City business licenses in the following categories: Home Improvement Contractors and Salespeople, Electronic Stores, Employment Agencies, Debt Collection Agencies, Tow Truck Companies, and Used Auto Dealers by business/trade name or license number.

NYC Department of Consumer Affairs Licensing

Business Licenses
Search the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs license database by business or individual name, license number or zip code.

Payment Services

Assessor and Property Tax Records, Business Licenses
Search or pay New York City parking tickets, red light violations, property taxes, water charges, ECB violations, health violations, consumer affairs violations, and business taxes.

NYC Consumer Affairs Online Payments

Business Licenses
Search NYC Consumer Affairs login for applications, payments, and requests, including business-related applications, payments, and requests.

New York County Licensing and Permits Search

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