Sex Offender Registration Search in Rutland County,Vermont

Public Sex Offender Registration in Rutland County,Vermont.Name, Address, Date of Birth, Offense, Conviction Date, Release Date, Photo, and Risk Level can be accessed publicly.

City of Rutland Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
City of Rutland Police Department;108 Wales St., Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-1840


Crimes and Crime Data, Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Jail and Inmate Records
Rutland County Sheriff;108 Wales St., Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 775-8002

Town of Benson Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Benson)

Town of Brandon Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Town of Brandon Police Department
1 West Seminary St., Brandon, VT 05733
Phone: (802)247-0222

Town of Castleton Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Town of Castleton Police Department;1 Main St., Castleton, VT 05735;Phone: (802) 468-5012

Town of Chittenden Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Chittenden)

Town of Clarendon Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Clarendon)

Town of Danby Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Danby)

Town of Fair Haven Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Town of Fair Haven Police Department;3 North Park Place, Fair Haven, VT 05743;Phone: (802) 265-7839

Town of Hubbardton Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Hubbardton)

Town of Ira Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Ira)

Town of Killington Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Killington)

Town of Mendon Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Mendon)

Town of Middletown Springs Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Middletown Springs)

Town of Mount Holly Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Mount Holly)

Town of Mount Tabor Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Mount Tabor)

Town of Pawlet Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Pawlet)

Town of Pittsfield Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Pittsfield)

Town of Pittsford Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Pittsford)

Town of Poultney Police Department

Jail and Inmate Records
Vermont State Police, Troop C - Rutland Station;124 State Place, Rutland, VT 05701;Phone: (802) 773-9101 ;(Dispatch for Town of Poultney)

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