Arrest Records Search in Alabama
Public Arrest Records in Alabama.Name of Arrestee, Date of Arrest, Location of Arrest, Charges, Bail Amount, Mugshot, Court Records, and Disposition of Case can be accessed publicly.
Autauga County7 RecordsBaldwin County15 RecordsBarbour County8 RecordsCalhoun County13 RecordsCherokee County10 RecordsChilton County8 RecordsClay County6 RecordsCleburne County6 RecordsCoffee County1 RecordCovington County6 RecordsCullman County10 RecordsDeKalb County11 RecordsElmore County5 RecordsEtowah County10 RecordsFranklin County4 RecordsHale County10 RecordsJefferson County37 RecordsLauderdale County5 RecordsLee County12 RecordsLimestone County9 RecordsMadison County21 RecordsMarshall County11 RecordsMobile County28 RecordsMontgomery County18 RecordsMorgan County14 RecordsPike County9 RecordsRandolph County7 RecordsRussell County7 RecordsShelby County15 RecordsTalladega County11 RecordsTallapoosa County6 RecordsTuscaloosa County17 RecordsWashington County4 RecordsWinston County3 Records