Business Licenses Search in Minnesota
Public Business Licenses in Minnesota.Business Name, Business Address, Business Phone Number, Business Type, License Number, License Status, Expiration Date, and Business Owner Name can be accessed publicly.
Anoka County4 RecordsBeltrami County2 RecordsBenton County1 RecordCarver County1 RecordDakota County11 RecordsHennepin County20 RecordsLake of the Woods County1 RecordNicollet County5 RecordsNorman County1 RecordOlmsted County6 RecordsPine County4 RecordsRamsey County3 RecordsRice County2 RecordsSherburne County3 RecordsSt. Louis County5 RecordsWashington County4 RecordsWatonwan County3 RecordsWilkin County1 RecordWright County1 Record