Assessor and Property Tax Records Search in Alabama
Public Assessor and Property Tax Records in Alabama.Property owner name, Property address, Property tax amount, Property tax year, Property tax status, Property tax payment history, Property tax exemptions, Property tax assessment history, and Property tax assessment value can be accessed publicly.
Autauga County4 RecordsBaldwin County19 RecordsBarbour County3 RecordsBibb County3 RecordsBlount County7 RecordsBullock County3 RecordsButler County4 RecordsCalhoun County14 RecordsChambers County6 RecordsCherokee County5 RecordsChilton County8 RecordsChoctaw County2 RecordsClarke County4 RecordsClay County9 RecordsCleburne County4 RecordsCoffee County9 RecordsColbert County7 RecordsConecuh County2 RecordsCoosa County2 RecordsCovington County4 RecordsCrenshaw County6 RecordsCullman County6 RecordsDale County10 RecordsDallas County6 RecordsDeKalb County12 RecordsElmore County7 RecordsEscambia County4 RecordsEtowah County12 RecordsFayette County2 RecordsFranklin County3 RecordsGeneva County4 RecordsGreene County2 RecordsHale County1 RecordHenry County9 RecordsHouston County7 RecordsJackson County11 RecordsJefferson County27 RecordsLamar County2 RecordsLauderdale County6 RecordsLawrence County3 RecordsLee County14 RecordsLimestone County10 RecordsLowndes County3 RecordsMacon County7 RecordsMadison County17 RecordsMarengo County5 RecordsMarion County8 RecordsMarshall County8 RecordsMobile County20 RecordsMonroe County6 RecordsMontgomery County15 RecordsMorgan County16 RecordsPerry County5 RecordsPickens County9 RecordsPike County12 RecordsRandolph County6 RecordsRussell County7 RecordsShelby County7 RecordsSt. Clair County11 RecordsSumter County5 RecordsTalladega County10 RecordsTallapoosa County8 RecordsTuscaloosa County12 RecordsWalker County11 RecordsWashington County4 RecordsWilcox County3 RecordsWinston County4 Records