Sex Offender Registration Search in Indiana
Public Sex Offender Registration in Indiana.Name, Address, Date of Birth, Offense, Conviction Date, Release Date, Photo, and Risk Level can be accessed publicly.
Adams County4 RecordsAllen County16 RecordsBartholomew County6 RecordsBenton County7 RecordsBlackford County5 RecordsBoone County9 RecordsBrown County5 RecordsCarroll County4 RecordsCass County4 RecordsClark County11 RecordsClay County4 RecordsClinton County9 RecordsCrawford County2 RecordsDaviess County7 RecordsDeKalb County7 RecordsDearborn County5 RecordsDecatur County6 RecordsDelaware County13 RecordsDubois County8 RecordsElkhart County15 RecordsFayette County3 RecordsFloyd County6 RecordsFountain County4 RecordsFranklin County3 RecordsFulton County4 RecordsGibson County7 RecordsGrant County8 RecordsGreene County3 RecordsHamilton County19 RecordsHancock County7 RecordsHarrison County4 RecordsHendricks County5 RecordsHenry County6 RecordsHoward County11 RecordsHuntington County3 RecordsJackson County5 RecordsJasper County4 RecordsJay County8 RecordsJefferson County3 RecordsJennings County6 RecordsJohnson County12 RecordsKnox County4 RecordsKosciusko County5 RecordsLaGrange County5 RecordsLaPorte County6 RecordsLake County20 RecordsLawrence County4 RecordsMadison County9 RecordsMarion County22 RecordsMarshall County5 RecordsMartin County5 RecordsMiami County8 RecordsMonroe County6 RecordsMontgomery County5 RecordsMorgan County6 RecordsNewton County3 RecordsNoble County9 RecordsOhio County4 RecordsOrange County3 RecordsOwen County2 RecordsParke County4 RecordsPerry County6 RecordsPike County8 RecordsPorter County12 RecordsPosey County2 RecordsPulaski County6 RecordsPutnam County6 RecordsRandolph County11 RecordsRipley County7 RecordsRush County6 RecordsScott County10 RecordsShelby County9 RecordsSpencer County6 RecordsSt. Joseph County14 RecordsStarke County5 RecordsSteuben County6 RecordsSullivan County8 RecordsSwitzerland County5 RecordsTippecanoe County21 RecordsTipton County3 RecordsUnion County4 RecordsVanderburgh County15 RecordsVermillion County7 RecordsVigo County8 RecordsWabash County4 RecordsWarren County4 RecordsWarrick County4 RecordsWashington County3 RecordsWayne County9 RecordsWells County6 RecordsWhite County3 RecordsWhitley County6 Records