Land Records and Deeds Search in Nevada
Public Land Records and Deeds in Nevada.Property Tax Records, Land Surveys, Title Deeds, Property Maps, Land Grants, Homestead Records, Land Patents, and Mineral Rights Records can be accessed publicly.
Carson City County9 RecordsChurchill County20 RecordsClark County69 RecordsDouglas County22 RecordsElko County18 RecordsEsmeralda County18 RecordsEureka County18 RecordsHumboldt County14 RecordsLander County23 RecordsLincoln County21 RecordsLyon County19 RecordsMineral County9 RecordsNye County23 RecordsPershing County15 RecordsStorey County13 RecordsWashoe County30 RecordsWhite Pine County12 Records